Thursday, September 24, 2009


I know by now that you guys are sick of me interrupting my "Maturation" series to talk about whatever, but I feel the need to vent. If you are around the Washington, D.C. area, and have been keeping up with the news, then you would've heard about the conspiracy that the Mayor (of DC) and Chancellor (of DCPS) are in the process of cooking up. Okay, before I start throwing out allegations, let me attempt to make my case as the resident conspiracy theorist.

If you've talked to me in the past few weeks, then you would known that I am in danger of losing my job. Now, I haven't been stressed as I would have been previously in my adult life, but I have been concerned mostly for my colleagues.
A few weeks ago my principal called a meeting for every faculty and staff member in the building. Being that I perform other duties around the school, I had to be debriefed after the meeting was over. Basically, the meeting was to inform everyone that because of a miscalculation in the budget for education, teachers have to be terminated all over the city. And that there will be cuts made at every school based on enrollment and need. At my school, we are slated to lose just one teacher (allegedly) but there will be 900 teachers out of a job district wide by October 1.
Every since this meeting I have been actively searching for information on the facts about this situation and have come up with some pretty strange findings.

Okay, so the Mayor and Chancellor came out in early September saying that there was a 40 million dollar deficit in the education budget. So their proposition is to cut more than 900 teaching positions across the district to make up the difference. This cut has to be made before the end of their fiscal year, which is October 1.

Now, let's make sure you guys are with me. The Chancellor, who is trying to keep the focus on students, found out there was a glitch in the budget and decided to fire teachers.

So, let's dive deep into my theory. The first fact I want to give you all is: The Chancellor has been trying to get a deal done with the teachers union every since the contract ended 2 years ago.
This is a very important fact to remember. If there is not contract, there is basically no representation.

Fact 2: The reason a deal hasn't gotten done, is because the Chancellor wants to have the power to fire any teacher that she deems ineffective.
This wouldn't be a problem if the measure for evaluating the teachers wasn't so subjective. It's like, at any moment, you can be looked upon as being ineffective, by any evaluator, due to means beyond your control.

Fact 3: The main teachers that voted against the deal, were older teachers that have over 15 years in the system.
The teachers with the seniority have been placed on a level field with teachers who just reached the system.

Fact 4: The Chancellor and Mayor were notified of the budget figures back in May.
I'll save my comment for the next fact...

Fact 5: The Chancellor gave the DC principals permission to hire 900 NEW teachers over the summer.
I assume that we are asking the same question right now, "If they knew it was going to be a problem with the budget, why would they hire new teachers?" Let me give my theory.

I believe that the Chancellor faces major opposition in implementing her plan from the older teachers in the system. These teachers are the ones who make the most money because they have so many years in. Right now there is no contract between the teachers union and the school system. This means there is basically no protection for teachers. So since negotiations for a new contract are back in effect, there is conveniently a 40 million dollar deficit that gives the Chancellor the ability to fire whatever teachers she wants.
Now, doesn't this smell a little fishy? I believe that she feels younger teachers are more apt to side with her plan. So if she gets rid of the older teachers, than she has enough steam to control the teacher's union. Which definitely doesn't have the teacher's interest at heart. But as she would say, "It's about the kids." Now, I do agree with that, but if you create an environment where the teacher's aren't secure in their position, than you take away the little bit of "glamor" that the teaching profession has. Which, in my belief, will create an even deeper teacher shortage.

My theory will not be able to be proven until October 1. If I'm correct, then you will hear that a large majority of the teachers that were fired had over 15 years in the system. And if my theory is true this is definite;y an administration that I don't wish to serve under. This is the worst way to make a statement in my opinion. You leave hundreds of teachers with no job in the beginning of the school year, in the middle of a recession and we're supposed to have faith in you as the leader? My theory may be a bit radical, along with my stance, but "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time"


elainebknyc said...

Things that make you go hmmmm...

MissMesha said...

Fenty and Rhee are RATS.....that is why I ran up out of DC and I will never return!!!!

DC residents were fooled and I will be the first to say I was one of them!!!!!!