Friday, September 4, 2009

The Maturation of J Reed: Vol. 4

The end of my 9th grade year represented alot to me. I knew that there wouldn't be any stupid rule preventing me from doing what I loved to do, and I was excited about coming back to school with new clothes and a new attitude.
At the beginning of summer, I decided to do 3 things. 1) even though I didn't need it, I signed up for summer school to help myself in english, 2) I signed up to work with the Boys and Girls Club that was located in my school, and 3) I worked as hard as I knew how to get stronger in the weightroom. I was never at home. I would leave out at 8 in the morning and I wouldn't return until about 9 in the evening. I needed to do everything in my power to make sure that I was cool and popular. One thing that really helped me with this was the transfer of Rob Reed. I know you all are like, "what?" Well let me explain.
Towards the end of 9th grade Coolidge had hired new coaches. I think they were impressed with my versitility so they talked about putting me everywhere on the field. Well almost everywhere. Rob Reed was projected to be the quarterback of the team for the upcoming year. In my opinion he was a very good passer and would be the most logical choice to run whatever offense we would have. But midway through the summer, Rob decided to transfer high schools. I don't really remember why, but I just remember thinking, "Who the hell is going to be our quarterback?"
One summer day after working out in the weight room, me and a couple of my teammates went on the field to throw the ball around a lil bit. I would throw a couple of passes and act like I was going to be the new quarterback. At the end of our session, I went and stood at the opposite 30 yardline, and tried to see how far I could throw the ball. I would consistently throw it out the back of the endzone. So one of my teammates made the suggestion that I play quarterback. I laughed at the idea, but as I had more time to reflect on it, I knew that was just what I needed to make me popular. I mean, who doesn't know the starting quarterback of their high school? So I showed the coaches my arm strength and went into the passing league with the position of quarterback.

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