Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When Do We Get Ours?

Before I kick off this latest post I just want to thank all of the people that take time out to read my perspective on current events. I know you could be doing a million and one things with the time you use to hear what I have to say. I really appreciate it. Now let me get on with "My Thoughts"

The topic of reparations has died down in the past decade, ( maybe a little longer) but I must bring this controversial issue back to the forefront. Before I get into whether it should or shouldn't be given to the descendants of one of the most degrading acts in the history of the world, I must first talk a little bit about our countries "history".

Every since the conception of this great country it has been all about getting over. Christopher Columbus went searching for the East Indies and sailed in the wrong direction. To make matters worse, he landed in a country that was already inhabited and claims to have "discovered" it. But by this time Amerigo Vespucci had "discovered" it also and decided to name the country after himself before anyone else did. (Sidenote) So why do we celebrate Columbus day? Anyway, after Columbus went back to the Queen to tell her about the land that he "discovered". They promptly decided to send more people over to build up this land. But they had one stop to make before the journey back to Columbia, I mean America. Africa. They filled up those slave ships and sailed right back over to America. I won't get into the details of slavery because you either already know, or your ass should've payed more attention in class. Basically with all the free labor that went on, this country was built and all of the slave masters were made rich off the blood sweat and tears of black slaves. Then comes the Emancipation Proclimation. Basically saying you niggers can go free but don't expect anything for all that hard work you put in. This inturn caused free blacks to struggle. Often times had them running back to their slave masters in order to survive. Years down the line black families continue to stuggle, while tobacco companies that their forefathers helped to get rich continue to thrive. Now let me give you the ultimate slap in the face. Holocaust survivors (I actually found out that half of the people whom were victims of the Holocaust weren't even Jewish. Go figure) and their families were paid for this tragic event. No disrespect for the struggle of the Holocaust survivors because I've been to the museum and that was just inhumane, but that didn't even happen in this country.

As you have probably guessed, I do think the families of slavery victims should be paid reparations. But unlike that average nigga who wants it in the form of a check, so they can get some rims and a few fly outfits, I want something creative to be done with the money. My suggestion was they should give it out in the form of scholarships for all of these families to either send their kids to college or for them to go back themselves. That way the money isn't wasted (even though right now it would give a boost to the economy) and we can have more black men in college than in jail. And for all of the qualifiers who have already graduated, the money should be used to pay back loans and other fees that accrue as a result of college. I know this doesn't solve everyones needs but it's just a suggestion as to "how we get ours". "It's my thoughts...just what I was feeling at the time" Please give suggestions or tell me how you feel about this.


Anonymous said...

This is a topic that is so near and dear to my heart. I hate it when people say that blacks are lazy and good for nothing. When in fact if it wasn't for blacks or Native Americans our white comrades would not have survived the harsh winters or rough terrains of this land. We built this country to me it's more ours than theirs. I hate to be that way but working with a majority of whites everyday is starting to wear on me especially with this election. I believe in reparations also not a check as J. said but some form of educational compensation. Blacks really came from the dirt not knowing the language or how to farm here and made it. It just amazes me! Just for the torment alone of not knowing if the man that i have kids with could be my cousin because of the forced separation during slavery. Hey I should at least get paid for that! Just a little of slave humor to lighten the mood! J, I love your blogs keep it up! REPARATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the issue with reparations is that it lasted for so long and affected so many blacks that when it comes to the actual amount that should be distributed the number is so large government can't rap their minds around the idea of giving up that much money. I agree that it should not be given out in the form of a check but if we give it to just education can we really say that justice was served for all blacks. definatley most blacks will fall through the cracks, what about the elderly, the incarcerated, the disabled? Those are the people who possibly were most affected by slavery.