Sunday, October 12, 2008

To Hell in a Handbasket

Alright so I know I'm a little late, but I finally saw the Sarah Palin interview with Katie Couric on CBS. Needless to say I walked away from the computer feeling a tad bit confused. Can somebody please explain to me why Sarah Palin was chosen to be John McCain's running mate? It is clear that Palin is uninformed on a myriad of political issues that affect us as Americans. I want to disect her interview just to point out just how ignorant she appears to be. Unless she's just putting us on, which I highly doubt. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't think Palin is stupid. I just think she's politically stupid. Her background as a "soccer mom" is not enough to warrant a spot in the White House. Actually neither is being a captured war "hero". But that's an issue that I'll address in another blog. Back to Palin. There are a few questions that she was asked during this interview that really had me scratching my head when I heard her response:

1. Katie Couric asked Palin what media outlets had she been referring to when trying to stay informed about issues that affect Americans and her response was, "all of them". Even when Couric asked Palin to name a specific paper that she reads, she continued to talk off subject in order to deflect the question.

Now I'm no expert, and I sure am no political figure, but I know that there are 3 major newspapers in our country. The Washington Post, The LA Times, and The New York Times. So why is it that Sarah Palin can name none? I'm sure that being all the way in Alaska can be a reason why the news can get to you late because they aren't apart of the continental U.S. But come on. You mean to tell me that afformentioned papers aren't being sold in Alaska? I'm not buying it.

2. Couric asked Palin does she support the morning after pill. Palin's response was, "I believe in all types of contraceptives". In the same breath Palin went on to say that pregnancy begins at the moment of conception which caused Couric to repeat her intial question,"Do you support the morning after pill"? Then Palin changes her answer and says, "No I don't".

Now I've been known to contradict myself a time or two. But guess what...I wasn't running for Vice President and I didn't have a microphone in front of my face. So it makes my contradictions irrelevant. But not so fast Palin. Is her memory that short where she can forget a question that was asked just seconds before she gave answer? Or is she trying so hard to appeal to all types of the public that she doesn't think anyone would notice that she gave two opposing answers to the same question?

3. Couric asked Palin was she appolgetic for the statement that she made to a reporter about the plan to invade Pakistan. But before she could answer McCain stepped in and accused the reporter of "Gotcha Journalism". Basically saying that Palin was the victim of a response taken out of context. What does Palin do? She proves that not only was it a false accusation of "Gotcha Journalism" but it also proves that she isn't aware that it isn't smart to discuss or military plans with anyone.

I could go on all about the errors in this interivew. She clearly showed that in the event that something happened to McCain (if he becomes president) this country would go "To Hell in a Handbasket". Now I'm not gonna tell you who to vote for cause frankly I don't know who i'll be voting for either.But I will ask, are you really willing to have Sarah Palin represent this country as the president? I mean..."It's Just My Thoughts...Just What I Was Feeling at the Time".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Jethro Mrs. Palin is stupid and not just in politics...It took her seven years to complete her degree and of all things, she got her degree in Journalism...Do you even get 7 years to pursue a degree??

This interview was horrible and to think that people still support this woman!!! As for the newspapers, even USA Today would have been appropriate! McCain knew that his little plan would work, gaining all of the support from women and soccer moms or hockey moms. But is Palin really a hockey mom?? Her youngest son is a baby, her younger daughter looks like she's only 6 and her oldest daughter is pregnant...last time I checked, sex is nothing like playing hockey and that seems like the only sport that is going on in her house.
It does not surprise me that she had no clue what the morning after pill was, hell her daughter is knocked up! After all if she knew what the pill was she would have been slipped it in her daughters

That woman is a disgrace to all women and McCain has really ruined her political chances at anything. How dare he choose an uneducated beauty queen/journalist to be VP. She doesn't know a damn thing and he has not properly given her any guidance either. You don't prep someone for just a debate and then allow them to go out in public and constantly make an ass of theirself. I'm sorry, I am not cutting this woman any slack, she's dumb. Palin would not have stood a chance against Hillary and she damn sure can't compare to Biden.

You people can play if you want to, and not register and go out and vote, but as soon as McCain and Palin take office and we are thrown back on to plantations, I don't want to hear nobody's mouth!

Now go out and Barack the vote!!!