Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss?

As you all know by now, we are in the middle of the most important presidential election in the history of our country (just my opinion). Not only because there is a Black man running or a woman running as Vice President, but also because of the catastrophic collapse of our economy. With this in mind it is important for us to go out and find out ALL of the facts about the candidates that we want to represent us. Which leads me into my next topic.

Do you know exactly how many candidates are running for President of the United States? Amazingly enough not many people do. Honestly, until I decided to do my research I didn't either. I asked some kids in my class the other day did they know how many people were running for president and they said 2. This didn't surprise me though because these are the only 2 candidates that are visible. Since the democratic and republican parties are the largest parties their candidates get all of the air time.

To answer the question in the previous paragraph, there are 6 candidates in total. Shocking right. Not many people know that. So who are these 4 candidates that you probably don't know mcuh about? Good question, I'll tell you.

1. Ralph Nader- Independent Party

2. Bob Barr- Libertarian Party

3. Chuck Baldwin- Constitution Party

4. Cynthia McKinney- D.C. Statehood Green Party (which I am currently a member of)

Shocking right. Not many people knew that there were this many candidates. Not to mention that we have a Black woman running for president. Now I could go on and give a little bit of info on these people, but it would defeat the purpose of me writing this blog. Now go do your homework!


Anonymous said...

Too bad McKinney is making history but secretly...poor go Barack the vote! F*ck the other candidates!! LMAO I'm just playing, you learn something new everyday!

Unknown said...

So I just found that there were other canidates when I received the informational bulletin for my voter location. Go Bro!