Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Soooo Disrespectful!

Okay so I don't have to let you all know that we're in a recession right now do I? Well if you didn't know...We're in a recession! But it's apparent that some people didn't get the memo.

So I was watching the BET Hip Hop Awards last week and I was left feeling that the Source Awards was making a comeback. All I remember is diamonds and platinum all over the place. Don't let me forget the styrofoam cup. Mainly because Lil Wayne won every award that he was nominated for. I got to thinking about how much all that must have cost (minus the cup). After I settled on a nice round figure of about 300,000 I got angry. No not because of the coonery of wearing platinum and diamonds in your mouth, But because while I am out here struggling to make ends meet rappers whose albums I buy are throwing their riches in my face. It pisses me off to think that I added to the empire of some of the most irresponsible, disrespectful rappers I could find. Who are more concerned with telling me how much more money they have then I, than to thank people like me for the riches that they are able to accrue through album sales. I am sick to my stomach as I write this because I feel like I've been had. I feel the same way a woman feels when she decides to share herself with a man she doesn't know(no homo), and afterwards when she asks will he call, he zips his pants and walks out(no homo). Well that might've been a little extreme but you get the point. Something must be done about this. I'll be damned if I buy another Lil Wayne album, or anyone else like him for that matter, until he/they can respect their fans a little more. Please let me know if you agree or disagree with me cause "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time"


Anonymous said...

Man, I feel you!

It has become apparent that the only people feeling the heat of the recession are the ones, like us, our here struggling to rub pennies together.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you all the way cousin, I only buy music with substance. Usually those are the one's that aren't flossin. (I know that's ole skool)lol. Anyway that's why lil wayne, all the lil's get burned not bought!

Unknown said...

I love your cuz comment...well welcome to the land of greed. I am sure he feels that that is what his fans want to see so he performs. He has lost touch with reality...and now he resides in the land of image. In that land no one matters but him and his money. Take a stand...stop buying and burn like your cousin.

Anonymous said...

So I agree with the burning except for all of my neo soul artists. Well Jarrett you have been "had" you have been raped in the butt with no lubrication...repeatedly...(all homo) But what we must not forget is that at one point in time, those rappers were regular people if not in worse conditions than us. When you come from nothing, who are we to judge and tell you what to do with your money when you finally make it. Now trust me, I think the excessive diamonds and platinum could be used in many other tithing...but like I said when you grow up with nothing, when you are forced to settle for the smaller things in life because of what your parents and family didn't have (or couldn't afford) then you owe it to yourself to make up for all of the things you never had before, BUT you are also responsible for giving back! Don't get me wrong, had it not been for lil Wayne's creative thinking and entertainment then he would not be rich at all. If he was only in this for the money, as a fan, you would know because his albums would start to be some sh*t. Despite his substance abuse, he has repeatedly given the people what they want if not more. So when I look at the Cash money videos and I see the living conditions of what people live through everyday, and if this is actually where some of these rappers grew up, then yes they deserve every diamond and platinum chain that they buy. But if they take their fans for granted and they use their money carelessly without the thought of giving back then the same way they went up will be the same way they come down, quickly! So my friend don't be upset about the riches of your fellow rappers, just remember that when you are blessed with the wealth and happiness of doing what you love or simply doing what comes natural remember to tithe first, spoil yourself next, and lastly GIVE BACK!

Okay I'm about to go burn somebody's CD...I'll holla at you

jiburgess said...

I love you for that Nik Nak! I guess you're right. I don't know what I would do if I had that type of money so I can't act "holyer than thou" I just mad cause "I'm broke nigga, I'm Broke"*in my Dave Chapelle voice*