Thursday, October 30, 2008

In The End...It's All The Same

Before I start off this post I’m just going to say that this topic is a little more controversial than the topics that I have previously written about. So I will throw out this disclaimer: “The behaviors and habits that are described in this post are not a representation of every woman (or man especially myself). It is not an attempt to indict every woman (or man) for the actions of some, but merely a demonstration to show that men and women aren’t as different as we try to make them seem.” I don’t want to lose any friends so please just try to understand my perspective.

Every since I can remember I have heard the term “Niggas ain’t shit”. I’m sure if you are living you’ve heard it also. But what do women mean by this? I take it to mean that men have done so much to women that they just simply get fed up with the stuff that “we” (yes women lump us into one category) put them through. They get to the point where they don’t want to deal with us anymore, but most can’t leave “us” alone. So they simply say “Niggas ain’t shit”.

I know I’m going to catch hell from my niggas for this but you know what ladies you all are right. “We” have multiple women at a time (like I said in the disclaimer for the women, this also applies to the men), “we” only want sex, and “we” will say anything to get in your panties. But not so fast! Now that I’ve lost all of my male friends, it’s time to lose some of my female friends.
I was listening to a few conversations this week and I must say… I don’t like what I’m hearing. First story I heard was about a girl who decided to date an older guy. The guy liked her cause she was a PYT (pretty young thang), and as you could’ve guessed the older guy had a little change. Just like most sugar daddy’s he took her around and told her “you can have whatever you like” (I know that was corny but can’t blame me for trying). But what he didn’t expect was that the “thing” that she wanted and was having is sex with a younger guy. Now from the sound of the story the older guy was oblivious to the transgressions of his young woman and to hear her speak of the situation you would’ve thought that she had no type of a heart. I know what you’re thinking right now (ladies), “Jarrett, that’s just one situation and it can’t be compared to all that women have endured from men over the years”, okay I’ll give you a story that I hear from lots of women. You see a guy that you really don’t find attractive and he asks you out to dinner. You don’t really want to go but as unattractive as he is; he looks like he has a handsome wallet. So you say what the hell and you take him up on his offer (sound familiar ladies?). You let him take you out to get wined and dined and at the end of the night you go home with no intentions of calling him back. I have heard this story all too often and the consensus from women seems to be “I mean he offered the date, it’s not like I asked him to spend money on me”. This might very well be true but you know what you just did? You gave a man false hope. And as little as it might seem to you, it is huge thing for a guy to take a girl out and break bread with her cause it means that he likes you. On the flip side of this ladies; have you ever seen a guy that you thought looked so good and you really wanted him to like you so you decided to sleep with him before you saw where his head was? And that attempt seemed to fail when you saw that he had no intention of trying to pursue anything other than casual sex? You know what the guy did to you? He gave you false hope. It’s a big deal for most women to share their beds and bodies with a man so it’s not a little thing to you. But you know what he’s probably thinking? “I mean she gave me the *expletive*, it wasn’t like I forced her.”

To put this as simply as I can “People ain’t shit.” Maybe that was a little too much. But think about it. If you know anything about science, what is one of the rules? The law of self preservation; we instinctively have to look out for ourselves. Why would that change just because you’re dealing with the opposite sex? The answer is it doesn’t. Now don’t get me wrong we defy that law of science but not enough to get it thrown from the textbooks. I hope that this post was enough to provoke some discussion so that men and women can better understand each other, but if you don’t agree with anything I’ve said “It’s Just My Thought’s…Just What I was Feeling at the Time” Please leave comments.


Anonymous said...

Hello's me, your number one blog
Okay so first of all you haven't lost me as a friend because I think bitches aint shit either!LOL People have free will to choose who they want to date so if you continue to lie down with dogs well then yo ass is gonna get fleas!! After one bad guy, a real woman will figure out what made him so bad in the first place, then when she moves on to someone else she will screen him for those same negative qualities. Girls that think niggas aint shit are dating guys that really aint shit...HELLO! If people were more flexible to who they date then you wouldn't have to worry about consistently dating assholes, the same goes for men. You all continue to pick the gold digging video vixen and when a good girl comes along you tell her she is wifey material but you don't bun her up, then you get all mushy and sorry feeling when another dude wifes her. "Oh I shoulda did this, I shoulda done that..." Its too damn late! I have been considered a "wifey" for a long time and if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it (yes I'm corny too), but too many of you dudes didn't, so like most people I moved on. People get so caught up with the money and outer appearance that we forget to look at peoples hearts. Now don't get me wrong, everyone wants a little eye candy but lets face it everyone has flaws. The sexiest man can have stinky breath and the banger dime piece is One bad guy has never completely turned me off from all men. I have had some things happen to me that I don't care for but I never lost hope in men. If people would stop putting so much into others, when they let you down it won't be so big of a disappointment. Either way you have people out here that feel like it is their calling in life to seek vengeance on everyone who has done them wrong but life is too short and karma is a bitch so let it be. Half of the time we get hurt at such a young age, but you have to understand that most heartbreaks occur at such an immature age, you can't hold people accountable for your tenth grade love...WTF. And lastly, if you keep running into no good men or women, then maybe you should re-evaluate your self...after all you attract who you are...

And that completes my two cents...I'm signing out

Unknown said...

In the end if every black man treated every black woman like Obama treats his wife then your comments would be null and void. At the end of the day African American women have come up with a defense mechanism to keep themselves from being hurt deeper than they already have. So they cover it up as him just being a sugar daddy or just getting free dinner but at the end of the day every woman is looking for that good brotha to love them for who they are and to treat them like the queen God has made them to be. Although it has become a cycle the cycle had to start somewhere...and as a woman I do not think it started with us. I do not think any mother raised their son in such a manner that he would disrespect and defile the spirit of a black woman. The healing comes from all taking responsibilty and demanding the respect that each deserves. I love and rever the black brother and no matter how many duds I run into I have a new hope in the black brother thanks to Obama and Michele and their beautiful daughters!

Unknown said...

And tell Nikki to get her own blog! And stop leaving pages of comments on yours!

MrsSimmons said...

Very well said.. People ain't shit!! The only reason someone will get mad at your blog topic is they guilty of doing that mess to other people.