Thursday, October 16, 2008

Give Him A Chance

If you remember in my first post I talked about my search for Lupe Fiasco's debut album "Lupe's Food and Liquor". Well thankfully I was finally able to locate it at For Your Entertainment (FYE). As you expect I immediately threw it in the cd player to listen to tracks that I either didn't remember or never heard before. As I let the album play on I stumbled on a track that struck a cord. "He Say, She Say" hit a nerve that caused me to repeat the song just so I could grasp the meaning of what Lupe was trying to convey. After a few times listening to the song I realized what had me upset... Steve (My nephews father). Before I talk about that subject, let me TRY to explain the song to you.

Basically the song starts off with a mother who is pleading with her child's father to be more active in his son's life. She tells him how the sons declining grades are a direct result of his inactivity in the child's life. Then after the mother speaks, the son does the same rendition of the verse but puts it in first person. Ok I realize I'm not doing this song justice because it is really creative and I would just advise that you stop reading right now and go to Youtube and type in "Lupe- He Say, She Say" go ahead, I'll wait. (singing the Jeopardy waiting song) Ok now listen to it again so you can understand it. (singing the Jeopardy waiting song......again) Alright you see the song, now let me finish my thoughts.

After getting the gist of the song, I understood why I was touched by it. Anyone who knows me knows that my father played a major role in my development. I can't pretend to know what it's like to not have him around. Whenever I was in need of something, he was right over my shoulder making sure I had it. So it perplexes me to see guys blatantly ignore the responsibility of children. In particular, I can't understand how Johnathan's (my nephew) father can continue to ignore his child. I mean sure enough when he's forced he calls up my sister and begs for her to bring "Lil' Juice" over to see him every once in awhile, but he never makes attempts to come and see his son on his own. This in turn puts my sister in a bad position because she wants Johnathan's father to be in his life, but she has to compromise so much in order for that to happen. Now don't get me wrong, Johnathan has a host of men in his life that look out for him as if he is their own, but in my opinion, no one can match the connection that you have with your biological father. I could not fathom the direction my life would've went in without my father. But all around me people are being asked to do the impossible and make it without a father. Shot out to all the successful people who were able to overcome this great feat. But to those of you who succumb to the severe handicap of not having a father around I sympathize with you. I know there isn't anything I can say to change life for you, but here's a ribbon in the sky.

One of the verses in the song goes as follows, "I want you to be a father, I'm your little boy, and you don't even bother, like brother without the 'R' and he's starting to harbor, cool on food for thought, but for you I'm starver... You know the world is out to get me, why don't you give me a chance?" I always attempt to break down the particular meaning of a verse, and then place it as my status on facebook. What I derived from the 2 bars of this verse, "cool (I changed it to "full" on facebook cause I thought it fit better) on food for thought but for you I'm a starver", was that a kid can gain the whole world, but there will always be this hunger like need for a father in his or her life.

In my opinion, every man that walks around with their head held high while they continually ignore the children that they helped to create should be murdered. I know that was pretty harsh but if you have children you don't take care of you don't exist anyway. "It's Just My Thought's, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time"


Anonymous said...

I love it!! I think dead beat dads suck!!! Shout out to me for making it without my daddy!!! It took me all of 20 years to say fuck it and give up on a relationship with him. But I can't even begin to tell you the hurt and the faulty decisions you make without that guidance. Oh do I have stories of how I had to learn some things on my own, and I am still trying to piece together certain things. Although I feel like I made it without my dad, there will forever be a little empty spot in my heart for him. If anything, I feel sorry for him not getting to know me growing up and now as an adult...his loss not mine.

I too hate how people try to normalize not having a's just not normal nor is it ever going to be! We kids without dads are very large in numbers so yes we have many people to relate to, but that still does not change things. I can relate to another child all I want, but that does not help that child deal with the self-esteem issues, and all the other factors that fathers are supposed to contribute to.

When black kids grow up without dads it's normal and we are expected to pull ourselves up by our boot straps and keep it moving. When this becomes a problem in the white community, and I mean on the same level that it is in the Black community, I am sure that a lot more will be done to not only support the innocent children, but also more severe punishment for the fathers. Let me be the first to tell you, a fucking child support check has nothing on a fathers physical presence!

So for all of you dead beat fathers that have no intentions of being a father...I hope your dicks fall off (lets see how you make it in life without that tool...lmao)!!! I don't need a father to still wake up every morning and piss excellence!!

Thank you, I'm done...

Anonymous said...

Dag, Jarrett I needed this! I don't know if you know it or not because you were young. I didn't grow up with my dad in my life and he lived 10 minutes away from me! It really did have an adverse affect on how I viewed men even my kids father. Who is really a decent guy but I pushed him away because of my hangups with my dad. I mean I literally kicked him out! lol (why am I telling all of my business) Anyway in the past year or so I've finally really forgiven my dad for not being there not because he deserved it but because my Hate for him was destroying my life. Needless to say now I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off of me! I can move on you know! I never want my kids to go through what I went through these days both girls and boys need there fathers. And, yeah I wanna punch Steve in his face. Damn flute player!!!!!!!!!!!! But, Wonder Bread will be ok he has alot of love around him! Keep bloggin!

Unknown said...

So Nikki wrote a counter blog on this. This was so deep. I am glad I got to read it in the silence of my home and to really understand your point of view. This is so deep and on time because I am trying to deal with my own Daddy Wounds. Knowing who he is and hime being around does not always account for much when deep down inside he only desires to be free from the responsibility of a child. Im living against everything my father said I woulnt be and I couldnt do without him. And just like Nikki I did it and Im doing it but at the end of the day I still long for my DADDY! I love you Jarret! Thanks for being such a wonderful man and example in the lives of many!