Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome Back

Well, well, well. I don't even know what I'm doing sitting in front of this computer screen. I've taken a nice lil break from writing, and have found myself back in the mood to release "My Thoughts." Alot has gone on this summer that I must share with you all and my only forum is this blog. Even if you don't read this post it's important for me to bare my soul in the next coming posts, so that I can work through the issues that have plagued my life, not only for the last few months, but for my entire life. So the next few posts, I have to employ you all (sorry no compensation lol) to be therapists as I try and work through my problems. I like to thank you in advance for working for free (I know everyone wants to get paid for their work during this depression lol) because I have some stuff that I need to lay on the table about my life in general, in hopes that it will release me to become a better person. So sit back and allow me to lay on your couch as we get knee deep in the mini series that I like to call "The Maturation of J Reed"

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