Friday, April 3, 2009

Racism Post

Have you ever been in a disagreement with people who weren't willing to relent their position in order to see your point of view? Did you continue to argue? Did you just let them talk? Did you get mad and leave? You want to know what I did? (No? Well I'm telling you anyway! lol) I'm writing this post. Since I wasn't able to get "My Thoughts" out during this disagreement, I have used this post as my platform of uninterrupted discussion about this particular issue.

Before I tell you about the "argument" that I didn't continue to participate in, I want to give you a few definitions to refer back to that I defend my stance with. defines racism as- a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. It defines prejudice as- an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought, or reason. (please remember these)
I don't really mind the fact that people confuse these definitions, because after all they are similar in some respect. The thing I have a problem with, is you allowing your ignorance of the differences to affect what comes out of your mouth during a disagreement.

So, yesterday I was in the teachers lounge with a few of the teacher aides. Not unusual for a thursday afternoon, because this is the day where we can all eat lunch together because of my planning period. We usually talk about some topic that is currently on someone's mind. Yesterday we settled on racism. Still a controversial topic, racism has been interpreted different ways by different people. If you refer back to the definitions I put in the second paragraph, you will see my interpretation of the word. But basically to some it up, racism is prejudice acted out. So one of the aides says, "Black people are racist as hell". (this is the statement that kicked off the disagreement) I simply said, "how so?" Then she went on to talk about how black people SAY whatever they want out of their mouths about other races. I totally agreed with her, but I tried to explain that technically this isn't considered racism. She must have THOUGHT I said black people aren't racist and she quickly defended her "argument" by saying that I was ignorant if I didn't agree that black people were racist. I quickly snapped back that she might want to check the definition of prejudice and racism if she wanted to continue this discussion, but by this time the whole room was on her side of the argument. So I figured if I just shut up and listen, I would have some great material for this very post. The last question I asked to fuel the fire was, "Is affirmative action racism?" (Oh I must not that it wasn't only black people in this discussion, just so you won't think there was a bias)  This is what I received after that question:

1. Yes affirmative action is racism

2. Historically Black Colleges and Universities are a form of racism (one aide also went so far as to say, "What if there were historically white colleges?" I really need somebody to comment on this one)

3. Black owned businesses, who only hire minorities, are a form of racism

Somewhere through the construction of this post, I lost the initial purpose of what I wanted you to comment on. I think the Idiocy of this disagreement has me befuddled. I don't have time to express all my thoughts about this post. But I really need to know that I'm not crazy, so please comment on this post so I can respond. And however I respond, "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time."


Rachel said...

first, i basically agree with you. racism includes an element of power. are black people racist? no- we don't have the power to be. there is no such thing as black privilege, but we know that white privilege does in fact exist and has shaped/acted as the foundation of institutions in this country; so it's not something extra simple like barack being president = no racism. black people saying anything about any other race makes us bigots and rude, not racist.

1. Yes affirmative action is racism
Affirmative action is not racism. People that would make a statement like this don't understand exactly what affirmative action is and clearly have no grasp as to why that statement is ridiculous, so I wouldn't bother having a conversation with someone like this. i would state the facts, and then bounce. it's not worth it- they don't have the knowledge base to be able to participate in a conversation like this.

2. Historically Black Colleges and Universities are a form of racism (one aide also went so far as to say, "What if there were historically white colleges?" I really need somebody to comment on this one)
every college other than an HBCU is a historically white university (with affirmative action for white people called legacy preferences in admissions). lol- silly people. again, these people don't have basic knowledge to be able to participate in a conversation on this topic. also, historically black and exclusively black are two different things. HBCUs were never exclusive HWCU were and, to some extent, still are exclusively white. p.s.- hate when other races complain about not having schools for their races. 1. the establishments of these schools arose out of what historical context, people?! ugh! 2. there are HSI (Hispanic Serving Institutions) and all the schools in cali are asian schools. <-- j/k about the asians, sort of...

3. Black owned businesses, who only hire minorities, are a form of racism
this is arguable. if i were to argue that this was racism (there is an element of power in rejecting someone); however, i encourage this form of racism.

Anonymous said...

1. Affirmative Action is not a form of racism. It was designed to create balance in the representation of various races in the work force. JFK believed in employing blacks because, quite frankly, numbers don't lie. Statistics showed that the work force was skewed, hence the term "affirmative action," meaning taking the corrective steps to even the playing field. Lyndon B. Johnson (a white man) made this law and there you have it. How can a white man make a law that benefits another race and be racist?

2. There are historically WHITE colleges... I believe you call them "Ivy League" schools?

3. If we are guilty of nepotism, then we learned it from White America. There are so many little brat ass children that go through the motions of going to school and getting a degree only to come home and inheret the family business. Its called "white privelage."

I firmly believe in hiring the most qualified candidate for the job, whatever the job may be. He or she could be black, white, or purple just as long as their purple ass complies within the parameters of business. However, if that candidate just so happens to be someone that I can immediately relate to, its a plus.

Unknown said...

1. Affirmative action is not racism because affirmative action does not only help promote racial diversity but diversity across the board.. The intended beneficiaries of affirmative action in the United States include disadvantaged ethnic minorities, women, people with disabilities, and veterans. Affirmative action also helps legacies at major college institutions.(President Bush)

2.any school that did not permit blacks before court ordered could be considered a Historically White College or University

3. Black owned businesses, who hire minorities are not racist they are using affirmative action to take care of their own and elevate their kind in the workforce. Not racism but racial preference


OMG, i agree with Rachel, L, and Edwin. To whoever made those statements that sparked your blog, I pray that they aren't black. However, if they are, then it would be beneficial for them to attend my historically black institution to obtain just a bit more education before they choose to make further ignorant comments like that again! These are people that I would clearly NOT WANT teaching my children, or aiding the teachers who teaching my children. They seem to be closed minded individuals, who need to go back to school and learn a few things about race and prejudice, before they make anymore idiodic comments like this again. Please advise me of this school, so that I can remember NOT to send my child there. Race is a subject that we will NEVER agree on, NEVER, EVER, EVER, because people think they know everything about a particular race, and they don't. We all think differently and there are many factors that guide our opinions regarding race no matter the setting that is it discussed. If anything came out of this discussion, I hope it is to never discuss race in the break room again LOL.