Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If you remember, in my "Medium of Mayhem" post I talked about how in the eyes of public opinion, you're almost always found guilty until proven innocent. Didn't read it? Well stop right now, go back, and read it; and you better leave a comment! I'll wait...*humming Jeopardy theme music* You finished? Well, let's continue. In a lot of those cases, our suspicion is correct. But what happens when it's not? Not following? Well listen to this...

In 2006, a male teacher from Montgomery County Public Schools was accused of sexually assaulting two teenage girls. He was cut up by the media, who believed that since the accusations were made, he had to be guilty. To make a long story short, it turned out that the girls lied, and they came forward to admit that the teacher never touched them; problem is, when the teacher was found, he had a bullet in his head (he killed himself).

That story was really a precursor to what happened (or, more appropriately, what could happen) at my elementary school. The other day, one of the teachers that I'm really close to here (of course she's a Howard Grad, class of '73 I believe) told me a story about how one of the kids in here class lied on her (I will only tell the people who leave a comment what he actually said). Now this isn't the only teacher that this kid has lied on, because a few weeks ago another teacher told me about how he wrote a letter apologizing for the lie that he told on her. So his credibility is shot. But since you have to take the accusations that children make seriously, his teacher doesn't want him to come back to her class. And rightfully so, because at this point, he's a liability to her livelihood.

So, I'm really writing right now because if he's making his way around school lying on teachers, who's to say I'm not next? One little lie by this kid, or some other kid, could have me on someone's sex offender registry list. That shit would ruin my life. Low key, it really has me contemplating changing professions. I can't even express the type of anger I have for this topic. Sorry if I bored you with this post, but shit, "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time."


Anonymous said...

Man, its too much liability being a teacher these days anyway you look at it so I want to, first, commend you for doing the do that a lot of us (including myself) refused to do.

Stay clear of these kids man. They are a lot smarter and a lot more devious than we were coming up.

To many times, the media becomes judge and jury to news stories before they even develop. Its a mind f**k because its as if they are trying to win you over to their side of judgement. Makes it hard for an innocent man to prove his case. On the other hand, the guilty never want to admit guilt until they get caught so it makes it harder for an innocent man to be considered for reasonable doubt.

vnelson said...

I think that situation sucks!!!! Being a teacher myself I most definitely feel you! Personally, I believe that classrooms should be equipped with cameras and microphones…period. Not only would this act as an insurance policy for the teachers (if they aren’t doing anything that they don’t have no business doing)! This would eliminate most accusations, due to the fact that many claim “it” happened in the teacher classroom. Of course I could give you at least five additional reasons why this would be a great idea, but I’ll stick to the topic at hand!

Just think about how different parent teacher conferences would play out! Most argument would cease… “Mrs. Johnson , we got your little terrorist on tape, please… lets keep it one hundred (LOL) !”

I have actually had this conversation with a teacher at my school and she rejected the idea because it’s her classroom and when she wants private time (translation: when she wants to take a nap, do her nails, or instant message her friends during her planning period) she doesn’t want anyone intruding on her privacy. My argument is that the school and classroom is purposed to be a place of higher learning and if your doing your job then their should be no issue.

I’m thinking about protecting my job and reputation! I have worked too hard to get where I am for a little lying booger eater to snatch it all away lol! Seriously though, it’s a great insurance policy! I’m all for it :)

thaSunGod said...

I dont know what to say about this one! I wonder if those girls feel bad?

Anonymous said...

honestly...thats just the risk of going into that profession. it's something that anyone can face no matter the job actually. The president of a company can't quit his job b/c he has to hire females, just because it makes him at risk of being POSSIBLY accused of harassment. So you can't stop teaching b/c of that. Everything you do is a risk. All you can do is not put yourself in any positions where anyone can even try and make such an accusation...feel sux, but unfortunately thats how our "great" country works. but not only are you a MALE teacher, ur an AFRICAN-AMERICAN MALE ELEMENTARY school teacher. We need more black men to show our young boys the epitome of a strong man doing something positive. don't give up...we all commend u

Anonymous said...

lol @ "little lying booger eater"

Unknown said...

Like we discussed this goes deeper. Children do not usually lie for any reason but as a mirror into a deeper situation that they may be having difficulties discussing. I think he needs to be evaluated by someone qualified to do so so that they can dig deeper into the well that is filling his mind and soul. As for the other situations that go on..some are pure pettyness. But we forget that words can build up or destroy. It is up to you to use them in a responsible manner.