Thursday, March 19, 2009

Let The Chu'ch Say Amen

If you remember in my "Spare The Rod?" post (you should remember 'cause it wasn't that long ago!), I talked about my commute to work and how I listen to "The Russ Parr Morning Show." Well, this week they finally switched from the Chris/Rihanna saga to something that really provoked some real thought.

The church, to me, has always been thought of as a place where you should be able to talk about any and every issue that goes on in life. I guess I feel this way because if you can't address real life issues in church, then it's only an unauthentic place where people go to show off their fashion sense and how much of a "better Christian" they are. That really wouldn't be a place that I would fit in. So I was interested to hear that a church, in North Carolina I believe, was doing a series of messages about sex. Yes...Sex!

So, basically on the show they were taking in calls to see how people felt about this. The feel that I got from the majority of callers was clear- People aren't comfortable talking about anything that has to do with sex in church. I mean, you had to hear how adamant people were about not having this topic discussed in their respective churches.

After hearing this show, I knew I had to get to work and spend my planning period working on this post (shhhh...don't tell anybody, lol). Now, maybe it's me, but is there a more appropriate forum to discuss sex? I think the big problem is, we view sex as such a nasty, dirty thing that we are uncomfortable talking about it (unless we get liquored up and we're feeling a lil loose, lmao). What we don't realize is, everybody is going to learn about sex. All too often, children are taught about sex after they have already had a sexual experience. What good is that? We (I'm excluding myself though) are so scared that if we talk to our kids about sex, they are going to run out and become whores and whoremongers (yes, I used the old terms!). The thing with that theory is, by not telling them about sex, we're allowing the whoremongers to educate them (can I get an Amen? lol)!

I wrote this post to simply say that with the AIDS rate rising 3.7% in the District last year, our previous efforts aren't working. If people feel that the church talking about sex will make them uncomfortable, well maybe yo ass needs to be uncomfortable (excuse me for that broken English and foul language, lol). That way, you'll think about putting on protection when you have random sex with people (or sex with anyone for that matter). So maybe we need to allow the church to take a stab at it. They can't do any worse than we've been doing. I'm sure you have your own opinion on the subject, so comment, but this is "Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time." Oh yeah! And I know that you aren't supposed to have sex before marriage, and I'm supposing that the church talks about that, but it's unrealistic to think that everybody is saving themselves.

Shot out to Lamont for being in tune with me!


Anonymous said...

Man, its crazy because I see myself as one of the most uninhibited people out here in a sense that I don't feel like anything is beyond the limits of discussion. So, when I hear these inhibited folks talking about this and that, I get the feeling that they are the ones with the most to hide. lol.

The black church used to be well respected within the community. Now, its such a show. I respect the message more than the church production and what it stands for. Honestly, we need to discuss these things in church because we aren't talking about it at home. The church could open up more discussion at home.

Anonymous said...

Hmm- is this the church with the huge billboards? I read an article about them. I don't think they're discussing sex in the light that you're thinking (i.e. safe sex and condoms, STD testing, birth control, healthy relationships, etc.) They're strictly teaching abstinence. They're just trying to make abstinence "sexier" for the younger teens. I'm sure it will be more interesting than what kids are taught in abstinence-only sex education at school, but i don't think it will be as open and helpful as what you're envisioning.

Unknown said...

AIDS cases rose 22% since last year among black men in DC. Thats a scary statistic.

Anonymous said...

food for thought... what is the purpose of the church?