Friday, November 7, 2008

That's Sticking It To 'Em

So apparently you guys didn’t like my last post so I’ll attempt to stay away from touchy subjects like that.

It wouldn’t be right if my next post weren’t about our new president. But I’m going to take it from a different angle.

So I was sitting at home last night when I got invited to a presidential watch party in my apartment complex (shot out to Chaney and Darkness for the invite). I get over there and I expect to see a few of my former teammates, but shockingly there was an actual party going on with an apartment full of people waiting on the results of the election. Everyone is drinking and having fun and I think to myself, “This is reminiscent of all of the moments in history when we as black people were waiting on the results to something”. Think about it.

For those of you whom are old enough to remember the Rodney King trial, people gathered around everywhere waiting to see if those results were going to get them a new television. As you can remember those results worked out a little unfavorably for black people. Some of you probably haven’t heard this story, but Larry Davis had a shootout with 5 police officers and lived to tell about it. All of New York rejoiced when he was exonerated. And I’m sure all of you can remember the infamous O.J. Simpson trial. The media showed reaction to the verdict from everywhere around the country.

All of these stories were more about us as black people sticking it to “The Man” than anything else. Think not? Where is Rodney King now? How many of you are still waiting on O.J.’s acquittal of the latest charges that were filled against him? Do you even know who Larry Davis is (not for the folks who live in or around New York)?

So the question I pose is: Was this just another opportunity for us as black people to stick it to “The Man”? Suppose Obama was a young white man with the same disposition. Would we be this enthusiastic about him? Now don’t get me wrong, I think he is clearly the best man for the job, but is the reason that I voted for him the same reason you voted for him? My point is this. Four years ago we were in an important election and we allowed George Bush to get four more years to jack up our economy. If we had’ve rallied around John Kerry like we did for Barack Obama then we might not be in the financial situations that we are in today. Now obviously I am not directing this to all black people because a lot of us got out and voted back in 2004. But the question I have is (I’m asking a lot of questions huh? Lol) Will it take a black candidate every election for us to “Rock the Vote” like we did this year? Honestly I think so. Your answer might be different but “It’s Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time”.


Anonymous said...

I think all of what you said had an impact on Obama getting elected. His character and ethnicity all appealed to a certain group of people. Race appealed to mostly minorities, views on certain policies appealed to most democrats(liberals or americans)age appealed to most young voters.Finally a general dislike for republicans and Bush drove people to vote for Obama. One of these characteristics without the other may have spelled and even closer race and possibly a loss for the democrats. I think the fact that some people voted for him soley for sticking it to "the man" or just to get black man in office is not all bad if he is the right man for the job. (may not have been the right thing to do but whatever it takes). I dont think it will take a black canidate to get everyone to rally around them to win everytime. JFK did it and he was young and white. Bill clinton did it and he was young and white. I think it takes a fresh new set of ideas from young individuals in general to encourage people to vote.

Unknown said...

I did not think that there was anything wrong with the last blog. Keep on writing them brotha!