Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stop Snitching?/ Keep D.C. Black?

It has come to my attention that the black youth of America has taken the "Stop Snitching" movement to a new level. If you can remember, a few years back, a dvd had surfaced with the young citizens of Baltimore pleading with the world to stop tattling on people. I really didn't view much of this dvd so you could probably tell me more of what it entailed (sorry I usually try to do my homework a little more before I start writing). But basically it is a bunch of criminals, who engage in criminal activity, trying to continue this criminal activity, without penalty or consequence.

Now usually this "Stop Snitching" plea was aimed at criminals who give information about other criminals in order to reduce the amount of time they themselves have to spend behind bars. But now-a-days "snitching" has encompassed any information given to the police from anyone.

This lead me to wonder, what constitutes "snitching"? Is the old lady that watches the corner of her block and reports whatever illegal activity she sees a snitch? Is the famous rapper who identifies a suspect in the slaying of a friend a snitch?

Well I'm pretty sure the criminals out there aren't compelled to read this post, so those of you out there who are apart of this "Stop Snitching" movement please give me the parameters of your ideology? One of my favorite shows is "First 48". If you haven't seen it before, it is a reality police show where homicide detectives attempt to get a lead or solve murders within 48 hours of the call to the scene. During this show I've seen hardened criminals "sing like a canary" (just a colorful way to say snitch) when facing the possiblity of an extended stay in the state penn. or club fed. Now, if the criminals aren't honoring this code, how do you expect law abiding citizens to honor it?

The way I feel is; If you don't want to be snitched on, stop doing shit! It's that simple. Why do you "stop snitching" dudes think that you shouldn't have consequences for your actions? I have consequences for mine. Life isn't designed for you to do stupid shit and get away with it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people do, but they end up getting caught for something else stupid that they do.

This kind of ties into my next point. I have started to see my "chocolate" city turn into cookies and cream. In the beginning I was just like every black person who grew up in D.C. "Keep D.C. Black", cause that is all I know. But as I have matured, I realize that I have to choose. Do you love your city, or the reputation that it carries? I realize that for most people, holding that credibility of being from the Nation's Capitol means more than the genuine care for D.C. If this wasn't so, then why would young kids brag about having more murders per capita than any other city. These same kids see the "stop snitching" video and are lulled into believing that holding your tongue is the honorable thing to do.

In my opinion, any one who can be hushed into silence, when they know they should talk, is a coward. And you can feel whatever type of way about me, but at the end of the day, no man will keep me from making the streets safer for my unborn children. So if I'm a snitch, so be it. But it beats being a coward any day in my book. And why would my major concern be to keep D.C. black, when that might conflict with keeping D.C. safe? I only pray that if I was on the other side, and God forbid somebody decided to take me out, and you have the power to put them away, that you would hold me down and do the right thing. I'm aware that some of the people that read this won't share my views but "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time."


Anonymous said...

This is heavy but real talk, I have a hard time dealing with the things that I have witnessed in my lifetime and wondering if I would still be here commenting a blog like this today, had I come forward. If that makes em a coward, I'm a living coward. There are a lot of homies in the ground that can't say the same.

On the flip side, I would have testified if I knew any of the people personally or had I been some way involved in the series of events leading up to the murders.

As for "Keeping DC Black," I can actually say that DC is no longer nor has it been for a long time now, the Chocolate City. From being in school in ATL, I can say that ATL is the Chocolate City.

I used to boast about DC's rep because of the reaction that it garnered to outsiders. People were either in awe or their reactions was to say, "Ya'll ni**as are crazy up there!" lol. Now that I'm older, I have matured enough to be able to critique DC's shortcomings. But, its not just enough to critique, I also try to give back and contribute to the resolution with regards to educating the young brothers and sisters about getting out of the city limits and going to school, coming back and giving back.

jiburgess said...

Man I feel you. I have also witnessed some shit I had to be quiet about. But I just keep thinking about it and wondering if the person has ever gotten caught or are they out here doing the same thing to others. I was really addressing these younger kids who try so hard to emulate the attitudes of the guys that are on these "Stop Snitching" dvd's. I just want to be assured that if I met my untimely demise at the hands of another person, I would have someone try to bring that dude to justice.

Anonymous said...

There will be someone bro, but it won't be any man or woman walking this earth. Please believe that that person would see their day, too. I walk by faith, not sight. I have faith that even if that person walks freely on earth, he won't walk freely in the afterlife. Even while he or she is on earth, their souls won't rest. Trust.

thaSunGod said...

You know what! My no snitch attitude came from my mother who was a school teacher and she used to tell me no one likes a tatter tale! Quick story in my elememtary school we a sub teacher one day, and the teacher stepped out of the class and a girl put one of those little packets that are found in coats or shoe boxes to keep it fresh, well she decide to place it in the ladies coffee! I stepped up and said something cause she damn sure could have died, cause they later told us that stuff is deadly. I am tired of seeing people crying a funeral! Look at Nickey Barnes and other famous drug king pins who all snitched. People dont snitch unless it affects them. I would say to the world dont put yourself in a place to snitch!!!!!! And nobody ever talks about forgiveness and understanding for love. I am getting older and wiser so i am expanding more to scarfice the few to greater the way for the many. Black men just don't need to walk foward alone, they need to bring the next man with you so that the next child is safe!

Unknown said...

This is a very deep and diverse discussion that needs to be further explored and disussed in a live setting. I personally am down for the snitches due to the personal dramas I have endured. I would never wish that hurt, pain, or fear on anyone and the only way to do that is to put that person away. It hurts when it is you and you know that that person may still be out there doing the same thing to others or coming back for you. I have mixed feelings about the changes that are occuring in DC. One of the reasons why I love DC so much is because I feel like I am surrounded by my own. And I too hate how DC neighborhoods lack and with the new movement there have been many improvements but that in it self says something to the system. We must discuss these topics over dinner and dessert this weekend!