Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 15...My Favorite Blogs

Thanks to Ms. Rhonda Richardson, I have skipped from Day 11 to Day 15. It's okay though because I really like this day of the challenge. Todays' objective is to name your favorite blogs. I only have a couple, so I'll talk a little about them all.

Cerebral Gumbo
The name of this blog is appropriately titled because it has a little bit of everything in it. Rhonda Richardson, the writer of this blog, is one of the people that inspired me to start my own blog. She is very witty and a bit of a lunch box, which is why I identify with her style of writing so much. Click on the link above to check her out.

A Word or Three
Two things that I love in a woman are beauty and sophistication. Crystal Marie Grant has them both, and they come shining through in every post that she publishes. Crystal and I are both alumni of the best university ever established. In every post, Crystal forces me to be more conscious of what I say, do, and write. She is truly a well rounded black woman. I need you all to check her out on the link above.

Evolution of a Queen
Brandy Facey is truly a queen. Her poems are some of the illest (is that a word? lol) lyrics I've ever read. Whenever I need inspiration to write something, I check out her blog. She has forced me to elevate my game in so many ways that I am forever in her debt. Some of her best work she has decided to leave off of her blog, which once you read, you will realize just how talented she is. Check her out at the link above.

I have so many other blogs that I am subscribed to, but since a lot of them don't write regularly, I won't send you to them. Thanks to all of my inspirational bloggers. I definitely draw something from each of you.

1 comment:

Crystal Marie said...

Awwwww man! This made my heart smile. I didn't know you thought so highly of me!! Thaaaaaanks!