Friday, May 14, 2010

Long Live The King...

I wouldn't say that I was the biggest NBA fan that there is. I mean, I definitely know my players and situations, but I don't really bother with watching games during the regular season. I'm more of a playoff watcher, which really isn't that bad considering the players don't start taking basketball serious until the first round.

If you've been keeping up with the playoffs like myself, then you may notice that Lebron James isn't going to win a championship this year. Which is kind of sad when you think about it, because with all the hype that was surrounding the Cavaliers, after they finished the season with the best record in the NBA, you would expect them to at least make it to the championship. Instead they fall in 6 games, in the Eastern Conference semi-finals, to the 'geriatric' Celtics. Whose roster looks more like the roll call at a nursing home them an actual basketball team. But I digress.

Basically, my reasoning behind writing today has more to do with the Lebron James sweepstakes that is set to take place on June 30, then who will actually when the title this year. Where team execs will be standing by the phone like Ed McMahon is calling to tell them that Publisher's Clearing House doesn't think that they should have to go to work anymore.

Obviously, since King James is in Cleveland already, and there are the only team that can sign him to a 6 year deal for max money, they are at the top of the list. But hold fast!
On Monday, the fans and media of Cleveland, after a blowout loss to the Celtics, took it upon themselves to pack James' bags. After all that this young man as done for that city, he was labeled as a choke artist and a trader. To add insult to injury, a columnist even as far to say that James was throwing the series on purpose.

What?!?!? What the hell are you people smoking? This kid (yes I can say kid because he's a year younger than me) has done everything that you can ask out of one player for that city and that franchise! He's brought big business and jobs to the city of Cleveland. He's brought legitimacy to a franchise that everyone forgot existed before his arrival. And you arrogant, snotty nosed bitches are angry, because after all the shit you talked this year, he wasn't able to deliver you a championship?

The problem is, we as fans (and the media) right checks that we expect our athletes to cash. Then when they are unable to back up all the trash that we talk, we want to rip them for not living up to the expectations that we created. It's not right! To question a man, who has done more than what's required of him as a professional athlete, borderlines on jealousy. It's not enough for him to do everything that you asked, (well other than win a championship) he also has to carry a franchise on his back to meet your approval.

I think the more I write, the angrier I get. I have never seen people turn on a professional athlete so fast. Then to have the fans just turn their backs on him a one of the most trying times for and athlete is just criminal. So you know what Cleveland, you don't deserve him! Let him go to a team who's going to be more supportive during trying times. I understand you're waiting on a championship, but with how you reacted on Monday, you'll be waiting a lot longer now. Wave goodbye to Mr. James, Cleveland.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

they did it 2 magic. just another case of fair-weather fans. all im saying wouldn't see that happen in