Sunday, May 10, 2009

Make It Rain?

I know what a few of you are thinking: "Jarrett, would you stop posting poetry and get to some subjects that I can argue with you about!" Alright, alright! I'm on it! I have something fresh from a story that I heard this week that I'm sure a few of you will disagree with. So sit back and let me spill "My Thoughts."

Not sure what year it was instituted, but child support has been the savior for many a child. Men who decided to go in raw (figured there was no use in sugar coating it) have been dreading this decree by the government every since it's existence. I must say that I really am not too empathetic to them though. But one thing I get upset with, is women who misuse this money. Don't get me wrong, I think there are a few things a mother must have to take care of a child. But if you are a woman that is attempting to live above your means with the aid of this money, then I think you should be ashamed of yourself (I would tell you to go kill yourself, but we can't leave the kids without a mom if the dad isn't around). I have seen women buy really nice cars and keep themselves groomed really nice, while there children walk around looking homeless. It's really trifling if you ask me.So basically, in the stroy that I heard, the woman was supposed to be using the EXTRA money that she was getting from her childs father to help pay tuition for her oldest child. To make a long story short, the daughter had to take out a few loans because her tuition wasn't being paid. Meanwhile, momma is driving around in a new SUV (Infinity Truck I believe it was).

I know some of you will read this post and say, "But what about the fathers that don't pay child support?" To that I say, Two wrongs don't make a right. Everybody knows that there are deadbeat dads out her who don't give a damn about their kids (If you refer back to my "Give Him A Chance" post, you will see how I feel about them) but that doesn't give women the right to punish the men who do care about their kids. Plus these women only end up hurting the children in the long run. You might not care about this post. You might not agree either, but "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day Dreamin'

They say a picture's worth a thousand words
But as I stare at this photo I become mute
No sentence can accurately articulate how I'm feeling at this moment
This zone I'm in has cut me off from the outside world
Sound has disappeared and apparently time has stopped
No glance from the image that has transferred me from one thought to the next
Fingers snap in front of my face to try and break this trance that I'm in
Those attempts go ignored
Ignored because they were noticed, but the trance could not be broken
When I finally come to, I realize that my day dream took a lil over 3 minutes
And the snaps of a finger I was ignoring, was of someone deserving of my attention
But sadly that attention was divided
It may always be divided
The division between my reality and day dreams may not be tolerated for long
So as I buy/by my time, I do so with the knowledge that I may be cursed
They say a picture's worth a thousand words
So why won't the words come out?