Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them?

Before I even attempt to get this post off and running, I just want to say I am sooooo sorry for my long absence. I can't even believe it's been over a month since my last post! Well between working (jobs 1-3) and trying to become a better teacher, I haven't even had the time to sit down and think of a topic. But fresh off the dome I have something I think you all can connect with. Now let me get on with "My Thoughts".

How many of you would say that you have true friends? All of you? Is that right? Okay. Well before you even decided to walk right into that trap, you should've asked yourself: What the hell is Jarrett talking about? This is what I mean. You really can't even answer that question without a clear cut definition of the word friend. Right now before I finish this post, I want everyone who reads my stuff to leave me a comment giving me YOUR definition of a true friend. (No this isn't a cheap way of getting everyone to leave me a comment like I've been begging for, forever...Well maybe it is lol) I really want to see what everyone has to say before I continue with "My Thoughts" REMEMBER! THIS POST IS INTERACTIVE. I NEED YOUR COMMENTS TO FINISH MY POST SO GET TO WRITING!


Anonymous said...

a TRUE friend is sum1 u can REALLY TRULY trust with everything...whether it be ur thoughts, emotions, relationships, life, everything. they'll always b there for you no matter what. they tell you how it is..when ur being a jerk, when ur doing sumthin u kno u shuldn't b, n def wen ur wrong...they give their opinion openly and freely, not intending to hurt, but to make you see the REAL view...they're there for u wen u need a shoulder to cry on, or wen u need to be slapped bak to reality, n most importantly, wen u jus need sum1 to listen..but no matter wut, rite or wrong, they got yo bak and will bak u up weneva needed...and not only do u feel this way about a person, but the feeling is mutual.

ctarjohn said...

A true friend is someone that tell's you the truth even when it hurts! They tell you when you are doing great things and when you are acting like a straight up ASS! Someone that accepts you for who you are, but has no problem with pulling you up saying hey hey you're trippin.

Anonymous said...

iFriend - noun (fre-nd)

A friend is a person/animal that is reliable, dependable, brutally honest when necessary but still has good intent, has your best interest at heart and mind, will not steal your shit, will not give false testimony about you, will not give any testimony against you against your will, may not call you everyday but still knows what is generally going on with you, shows concern and compassion, offers sympathy and empathy, does not hate but congratulates, makes an effort to be friendly, will give you the shirt off of his/her back, will fight for you, will not stand by and let bad things happen to you...

I can truly say that out of the whole world of "friends" that I have, I can count on one hand the number of TRUE friends that I have.

Unknown said...

Friends: people who God place in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I consider all my friend until proven otherwise. Every friend functions in a different capacity. Some I just talk to, some I just hang out with, some I see annually, some I never see or talk to at all but when we do get together it is like old times. I consider myself to have a lot of friends. The differentiation comes when you add descriptives like BEST! Best friends have multiple functions...they know so much about you and they are the ones that helped you get through your darkest hours and celebrates with you in your happiest moments. I love people and I hope to keep my heart open to all who may need a friend even if for a moment in time.

Unknown said...

True Friend:

is forever.
is supportive.
is honest.
truly wants the best for you.
is pure.
and is firmly planted in your life---through good and bad times.

check out my blog for the full response....

MrsSimmons said...

I blogged about this subject - I have no answer because I'm still trying to figure this question out - please enlighten me - because the word friend keeps changing....

I hear friend are people say friend are there to tell you the straight up truth - but one day when that friend tells you something you don't want to hear and you get an attitude and go off - do you still want that person as a friend???

If the one day you need someone to talk to you and you call your friend who happens to be at work and can't be there for you at the present time - do you still consider them a friend...

I hope you understand what im rambling about - I think the definition of friend is always changing...

thaSunGod said...

A true friend is how you treat them, you must build that friendship.

D said...

A true friend is someone you can depend on in any and every situation no matter what...someone who always tries to keep your best interest in mind...someone you can trust with your deepest secrets...someone who shares a lot of your common interests...someone you spend time with just cause...someone who will have your back no matter how idiotic the circumstances...a true friend is special, and hard to come by.