Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pimp Juice?

This post is something that I've thought about for such a long time but didn't decide to write about. Until now. Actually every since the song "Pimp Juice" has come out I have subconciously sought out peoples opinions on the matter(refer to Nelly's second album if you don't know the song).

In order to understand this post I must first explain what the term "Pimp Juice" means. This is for the people that either haven't heard the song or don't really grasp the definition of a song when they hear it(beat lovers is what I call them). "Pimp Juice" is simply the measures that a person takes to attract the opposite sex. Well I guess the same sex too. You know what I mean.

Ladies, this is that cleavege that you show off when you go out somewhere, or that lil black dress that you break out when you are trying to be extra fly. Guys, this is the iced out bracelet that you rock, or that car you wash 2 or 3 times a week. Whatever it is, you use it as a ploy to be attractive.

Now ladies, I know the first thing you're going to say: I dress nice for myself! And my reply to that would be (excuse my french in advance) BULLSHIT! There is no way that you spend hours getting ready to go out just to look good for you. It sounds good, but no. Everybody likes reassurance. It's okay to admit that, cause that's real. So in essence, that right there is your "Pimp Juice". I don't think guys have a problem admitting this, but if they do, they're faking too.

This brings me to the real purpose of this particular post. Whatever you do to attract the attention of another person, is how they will view you. Don't understand? Example: Ladies, if you are out with your girls, and you're dressed the sleeziest, then I'm pretty sure that some guy is going to try and holla at you. Problem is, your personality is the farthest thing from his brain. He sees those breast you're serving up on a platter and his mind goes back to when he was a baby. Yes he has sex on the brain, and can you blame him? Of course you can cause everyone should want to get to know your personality when you're half dressed(yes that was sarcasm).

Example 2: Guys, when you get to the bar, and you're flashing your chain with the diamonds in it, and you're pulling wads of cash out of your pocket, and the girl at the other end keeps staring at you, it's because she thinks you're the sexiest thing on this earth and she wants to get to know you (there goes that sarcams again). No, she could possibly be thinking of ways to get that wad of cash out of your pocket. Or how she can get you to take her to Puerto Rico (lol). And honestly can you blame her? That is what you were using to attract her.

My thing is, I see men and women get mad all the time because they say either he only wants my body or she only wants my money. But what could you be doing to contribute to this? I'm not telling the ladies to dress like nuns and guys I'm not telling you to stop flashing your money. I just want you to know that "Pimp Juice" is real and whatever you use to attract somebody is exact how they will view you. So be careful.

I think this topic is a very good one so I am expecting a bunch of comments on it. So if you don't comment, go directly to your kitchen, grab a knife, and kill yourself (preferably by slitting your wrist vertically cause you'll bleed out faster). Everyone could have a different perspective on this matter, but I wrote so it's "Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time".


Anonymous said...

I always thought "pimp juice" was that thing that the Pimp on the movie The Mack had that kept all the girls coming back and in check. well anyway I do know what you are saying though. When you meet someone in a club you know nothing about them it's the physical that attracts you I don't care who you are! I could go on and on but I don't have the time right now lol I have to do my saturday house cleaning while the kids and Levi are out. Hey cuz busboys and poets are having a poetry slam next friday night at 11pm I may roll through come get a few drinks on me.

MrsSimmons said...

im loving this post.. i agree with what you are saying.. but the sad thing about this.. is some people fail to realize that. You have alot of women that are single (not by choice) but i believe it how you carry yourself. Physical is temporary..

As for men... you can meet a man that can dress to the nines but lord knows what's really going on with you - you can behind on your child support, broke as joke, staying at home with your moms and etc...

So people better start looking beyond that physical shit and get to the real nitty gritty

The Goat said...

I like this. The truth will step on alot of toes but you dont write a blog to gain acceptence do you?
I will admit when I was single I would do the same. Nice ice, clean ride, smellin pretty as hell. Its not a new trend so anyone who thinks the balla at the end of the bar with a big wad of cash or the female who looks like a stripper really does what only him shouldnt be out. Its called the "game" for just that reason. If you cant play then go home. "Pimp Juice" was a great song for just that reason. She only wants me for my pimp juice. That sums it all up.....

Unknown said...

Clearly I am the cutie with the big ole booty! HAHAHA I crack myself up. It used to bother me when people would comment on my body..even when not in hooka clothes but I accepted it as the blessings from God! LOL So now I accept the comments, roll my eyes at the rejects, and keep enjoying myself! I am never attracted to the baller...cause to me real ballers dont have to flash. I can spot new money real quick..and it is not a good look. Everyone loves the keep giving it and getting it and let the world go round! Thats just the way it is!

jiburgess said...

I am so surprised that I didn't get more comments on this post. I'm glad you all (especially the women) were able to see my POV. Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

so much truth in this post.