Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stop Snitching?/ Keep D.C. Black?

It has come to my attention that the black youth of America has taken the "Stop Snitching" movement to a new level. If you can remember, a few years back, a dvd had surfaced with the young citizens of Baltimore pleading with the world to stop tattling on people. I really didn't view much of this dvd so you could probably tell me more of what it entailed (sorry I usually try to do my homework a little more before I start writing). But basically it is a bunch of criminals, who engage in criminal activity, trying to continue this criminal activity, without penalty or consequence.

Now usually this "Stop Snitching" plea was aimed at criminals who give information about other criminals in order to reduce the amount of time they themselves have to spend behind bars. But now-a-days "snitching" has encompassed any information given to the police from anyone.

This lead me to wonder, what constitutes "snitching"? Is the old lady that watches the corner of her block and reports whatever illegal activity she sees a snitch? Is the famous rapper who identifies a suspect in the slaying of a friend a snitch?

Well I'm pretty sure the criminals out there aren't compelled to read this post, so those of you out there who are apart of this "Stop Snitching" movement please give me the parameters of your ideology? One of my favorite shows is "First 48". If you haven't seen it before, it is a reality police show where homicide detectives attempt to get a lead or solve murders within 48 hours of the call to the scene. During this show I've seen hardened criminals "sing like a canary" (just a colorful way to say snitch) when facing the possiblity of an extended stay in the state penn. or club fed. Now, if the criminals aren't honoring this code, how do you expect law abiding citizens to honor it?

The way I feel is; If you don't want to be snitched on, stop doing shit! It's that simple. Why do you "stop snitching" dudes think that you shouldn't have consequences for your actions? I have consequences for mine. Life isn't designed for you to do stupid shit and get away with it. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people do, but they end up getting caught for something else stupid that they do.

This kind of ties into my next point. I have started to see my "chocolate" city turn into cookies and cream. In the beginning I was just like every black person who grew up in D.C. "Keep D.C. Black", cause that is all I know. But as I have matured, I realize that I have to choose. Do you love your city, or the reputation that it carries? I realize that for most people, holding that credibility of being from the Nation's Capitol means more than the genuine care for D.C. If this wasn't so, then why would young kids brag about having more murders per capita than any other city. These same kids see the "stop snitching" video and are lulled into believing that holding your tongue is the honorable thing to do.

In my opinion, any one who can be hushed into silence, when they know they should talk, is a coward. And you can feel whatever type of way about me, but at the end of the day, no man will keep me from making the streets safer for my unborn children. So if I'm a snitch, so be it. But it beats being a coward any day in my book. And why would my major concern be to keep D.C. black, when that might conflict with keeping D.C. safe? I only pray that if I was on the other side, and God forbid somebody decided to take me out, and you have the power to put them away, that you would hold me down and do the right thing. I'm aware that some of the people that read this won't share my views but "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Right Decision?

To start off this post I want to again thank the few people who take the time to read what goes on in my head. I’m trying to mature as a writer so I can progress to writing books, plays, movies, etc. Amazing for a kid with a DCPS education huh? Well enough with you all patting yourselves on the back for making me feel good, let me get on with “My Thoughts”.

I’m pretty sure by now most of you know (via facebook and word of mouth) that I have a new job. Yeah, Yeah I’m proud of that accomplishment myself. I have been working at Howard University’s Middle School of Mathematics and Science for the past few months and I must say I have been working at a bargain. I mean the price that I was being paid was the equivalent to getting a dime sack for about $3.00. Oh you don’t smoke? Well how about a bottle of goose for $10.00? Extremely cheap huh? Well that’s what I was relegated to. So when I got the email from the principal at Shepherd Elementary School telling me that my name was being sent to Human Resources for employment I was ecstatic. There is a lot of satisfaction in knowing that your work is valued through compensation. Nobody wants to feel under appreciated and under valued. So in about a week or so I will be off to my new job with new responsibilities and new experiences. You would think with this great news I would be fulfilled? Not so much.

I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers the other day letting them know about my climb up the latter of success and wages. After she congratulated me, she asked, “How did the kids take it?” I told her that I hadn’t told them yet and she gave me one of the cruelest looks that I’ve ever seen. Her look chilled me because I already knew what the problem was. I probably should’ve told them sooner to soften the blow. But I had been going back and forth over when the right time would be to drop bomb on them. I decided that I should wait until I had a day or two left so I wouldn’t have to see those long faces for long.

So here I am now. After the conversation with my co-worker I’ve been walking around feeling a little less than pleased with myself. In all of my excitement I never stopped to think about how the news of my departure will affect the kids. I mean what am I to do? I could stay there and continue to be taken advantage of but I will never be fully happy. I have built some strong bonds with these kids and it would be almost negligent to just walk out on them now. Especially since some of them don’t have fathers at home and I, along with other males in their life, provide the only type of male role model that they have. I’m pretty sure that right now you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I thought Jarrett said he hated them damn kids”. Well there are a few who I won’t miss but even the kids that were a handful helped me to grow as an educator. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still taking the job, but I’ll just be doing so with a heavy heart (and fatter pockets).

Friday, November 7, 2008

That's Sticking It To 'Em

So apparently you guys didn’t like my last post so I’ll attempt to stay away from touchy subjects like that.

It wouldn’t be right if my next post weren’t about our new president. But I’m going to take it from a different angle.

So I was sitting at home last night when I got invited to a presidential watch party in my apartment complex (shot out to Chaney and Darkness for the invite). I get over there and I expect to see a few of my former teammates, but shockingly there was an actual party going on with an apartment full of people waiting on the results of the election. Everyone is drinking and having fun and I think to myself, “This is reminiscent of all of the moments in history when we as black people were waiting on the results to something”. Think about it.

For those of you whom are old enough to remember the Rodney King trial, people gathered around everywhere waiting to see if those results were going to get them a new television. As you can remember those results worked out a little unfavorably for black people. Some of you probably haven’t heard this story, but Larry Davis had a shootout with 5 police officers and lived to tell about it. All of New York rejoiced when he was exonerated. And I’m sure all of you can remember the infamous O.J. Simpson trial. The media showed reaction to the verdict from everywhere around the country.

All of these stories were more about us as black people sticking it to “The Man” than anything else. Think not? Where is Rodney King now? How many of you are still waiting on O.J.’s acquittal of the latest charges that were filled against him? Do you even know who Larry Davis is (not for the folks who live in or around New York)?

So the question I pose is: Was this just another opportunity for us as black people to stick it to “The Man”? Suppose Obama was a young white man with the same disposition. Would we be this enthusiastic about him? Now don’t get me wrong, I think he is clearly the best man for the job, but is the reason that I voted for him the same reason you voted for him? My point is this. Four years ago we were in an important election and we allowed George Bush to get four more years to jack up our economy. If we had’ve rallied around John Kerry like we did for Barack Obama then we might not be in the financial situations that we are in today. Now obviously I am not directing this to all black people because a lot of us got out and voted back in 2004. But the question I have is (I’m asking a lot of questions huh? Lol) Will it take a black candidate every election for us to “Rock the Vote” like we did this year? Honestly I think so. Your answer might be different but “It’s Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time”.