Friday, August 10, 2012

Psychological Warfare

I probably should have done this before I put out the post about the 16th Amendment, but crying over spilled milk is about as ussless as a knife at a duel.

The last couple of weeks I have taken a small break from writing songs (not really) and devouted my time to researching the questions that I have about...Everything. More specifically, the things that most people choose to ignore because it challenges their way of thinking.

If you haven't noticed I'm being vague for a reason. So, you just have to read up and find out!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Psychological Warfare: The 16th Amendment

Psychological Warfare- the use of propaganda, threats, and other psychological techniques to mislead, intimidate, demoralize, or otherwise influence the thinking or behavior of an opponent.

The average American waits at the mailbox, or now-a-days at the computer every two weeks to see exactly how much money they've earned for whatever service they've rendered. And like most Americans we cringe at the number that is removed from our wages earned to "fund" our federal government.

Each year we file our 1040's and wait on our federal government to let us know if we hit the tax return lottery, or if we are in-debted to them (the federal government). What if I told you that all of the pining you do around tax time was completely unwarranted? Not following me, huh? Well, let me let you in on a little secret: You are NOT LEGALLY bound to pay federal taxes! I know what most of you are thinking,"Jarrett, what the hell are you talking about?" It doesn't make sense, I know. But in 1913, we were the recipient of one of the biggest mind fucks in American history.

In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified and it said that,
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration

There are two things wrong with this: First, the supreme court defined income tax as a tax on gains or a coporate tax, NOT a tax on your wages; Secondly, and more importantly there was NEVER a legal ratification of the 16th Amendment. Don't believe me, huh?

When Secretary of State Philander Knox reported the ratification of the 16th Amendment, he did so with more than three-fourths of the states agreeing to the new taxes. At the time, there were 48 states in the union which means 36 states needed to agree. It was reported that 38 of those 48 states agreed and we began to be taxed on our wages. Problem is only two states actually voted in favor of the 16th Amendment, which makes it null and void. Still don't believe me???

In 1984, William Benson set out to research just how true this was by going from state to state in search of the documentation that said the states ratified the 16th Amendment. In his reserach he found that all but 2 of the states either rejected the Amendment or changed the language in it making it void.

Yes, you have been and continue to be the victim of fraud by the hands of our government. This shouldn't come as a big surprise, though. Now, I am not suggesting anyone stop paying that taxes that you aren't legally required to pay, but I do petition you to do the research for yourself to understand just how trully diabolical our government is. If they slide this lie under your nose for almost a full century, then how many other lies are they sliding past us?

If you wish to continue in ignorance then that's your choice, but by not investigating you allow the powers that be continue feeding us lies. If you would like to do some investigating on your own, I suggest a documentary by Aaron Russo, "Freedom to Facism". Please don't ignore this. The government was set up to serve the people and for many years they haven't been doing a great job of this. They can only continue this if we ignore the blatant lies that we receive and choose to do nothing.