Thursday, March 3, 2011

Always About The Chase, Rarely About The Capture

Good morning, afternoon, or evening folks! Whatever the time of day is, I really need you to sit down and actually actively apply yourself to this post. I've attempted to be as transparent as I can in the past, but I just may be breaking "Man Law" with this one. Not that this is some secret that we as men share when women aren't around, but it is my belief that since most men don't even understand this about themselves, they really wouldn't want women to know it until they are able to disect it.

So, I was asked this morning by Ms. Candice Thomas (it's so cold in the D! lmao) why do "men pursue a whole lot in the beginning and once they get what they want, they get comfortable?" I thought I would have an immediate answer to her for this question, but although I have wondered this myself, I still had to reflect on why I thought this was. The first thing I had to do was admit to myself that we as men do this. Yes, I myself am guilty. The second thing I had to do was not point the finger and say, "Women do it too, sometimes!!!" The third thing I had to do was convince myself to be totally honest in an attempt to create open dialouge between men and women, so that we can try to understand each other a little better. This is what I came up with.

So ladies, you are aware that boys and girls are raised a little different, right? Well, if so, you have to know that it heavily affects the way we interact/treat one another. Now, I think we as people objectify each other, but men objectifying women is highly visible. Why is that though? Quite simple: We're raised to! Not just by our fathers though!
One day, I saw a group of women speaking to a baby boy. They were all making a fuss over him and the little boy was just eating it up; grinning and cooing all over himself. One of the girls said, "Aww, he's so cute! He's going to be such a heart breaker when he gets older..." Another girl chimed in, "Yeah he's going to have all the girls. Girl, you better watch out, he's gonna make you a grandmother early."
As a little boy that's cute to say. Who actually expects a little boy to grow up and have multiple women??? (Sarcasm) But I want you to really consider how speaking things like this into a childs life can impact his future.

I really just wanted to mention that a as a precusor to what I think the biggest issue is. Here it goes...: We as men, from the very beginning of time, are taught to chase and capture or search and conquer. It's that simple. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that's the way it is.

Now, some guys do this intentionally, some do it without thought, but most men do this nonetheless. We as men see a woman that we are attracted to; we pursue her as hard as we can, sometimes going above and beyond our normal range of efforts to woo a woman; then once we have physically "captured" you, it is on to the next chase.
This is the reason why men can have sex without any emotional connection. It's not necessarily about the sex, it's more so about the capture.
Now, I'll be the first to say that this sounds terrible and disgusting superficially. Taking a deeper look at this though may help to destroy or at least recognize this cycle.

I have a whole lot more to say on this issue, but I have to stop it now so that I don't start to ramble. Please let me know how you feel about this issue? Thank you!