Monday, February 23, 2009

Medium of Mayhem

So since I'm a teacher, you all know I have to educate a little bit. Did you know that the singular form of the word "media" is "medium"? I'm sorry I had to do that because some people really don't know and I wanted you to be able to understand the title. Enough with education, let me get to "My Thoughts".

In lieu of the steroid allegations swirling around Alex Rodriguez, yet another baseball player who tested positive for performance enhancers, I decided to write a post about how our media plays a big part of our opinions and emotions. This post might be a little long so if you wish to turn around now, I won't even be mad at you. But if you would like to take this ride through history with me, then sit back and enjoy. ("Enjoy yourself!"-Rick James well actually Dave Chappelle...I know, I'm so damn random lol)

We as Americans have always looked to our media to bridge the gap between what we already know, and what's going on in the world. Everyday you turn to your local news, CNN, MSNBC, etc. to listen to reports about what has happened in your neighborhood, city, state, country, and/or the world. But have you ever felt that these news programs have been controlling your emotions? No? Well listen to this.

In 2001, right after 9/11, the government instituted a terror alert that used colors to let you know the level of concern that you should have in respect to another attack occurring (Instead of colors, I think STD's would've been more effective. I definitely wouldn't have gotten on a plane if it was level Herpes, but I might've taken a chance on level crabs lol) Every time the level went up, people ran out and stocked up on food and supplies and decided that they would spend a little more time at home (like a nuke wouldn't take out your whole area). I might just be a conspiracy theorist, but I honestly thought this was a ploy to play with the emotions of the American people because you can control a whole country if you scare them to death. Now, in this case, I believe the media was just a pawn used by the government to control us. Some of you are going to say, "this didn't really affect me". And to you I say, let me continue.

So, since my last illustration didn't mean much to some of you, let me dig deeper into history. Tupac and Biggie's feud went public when Tupac was shot after an attempted robbery at a New York recording studio back in 1994. An attack through dis records and magazine articles ensued. Now, even though this "beef", if you will, started between Tupac, Biggie, and Puffy (or whatever he's calling himself now-a-days) rappers who were in the inner circles of both artists quickly chose sides. Since both artists were from different parts of the country, the beef soon became a "coastal" war. This "East Coast, West Coast beef", which was a phrase coined by a newspaper columnist and not the artists themselves, was ignited by the media outlets that were covering the story. This much attention made the every day hip hop fan choose sides (if you were on the east coast you know you shouted "fuck the west coast" a time or two, and vice versa). At the end, not only were the lives of two of the most influential figures of hip hop lost, but other artists were threatened and assaulted because they were on the wrong side of the country. The media strengthened our pride in the coast that we belonged to by making us so angry at the other coast, ultimately forcing each coast to bond together. Now this wouldn't have been so bad, if it didn't turn into a hatred that cost a few people their lives. And all this to sell a few magazines and newspapers. Damn shame right? Don't agree? Well keep reading.

For this example, I'm going to switch it over from the media controlling the emotions of the people, to the media's court of public opinion. Last week I made a comment on facebook about the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation. When I went to check my status, I saw that there were a lot of supporters of Chris Brown who felt that I shouldn't have made that statement (even though it clearly stated "IF he messed her face up like that, he needs his ass whipped"). One of the comments that I received, spoke to the notion that you're innocent until proven guilty. Now, how many of you believe this? Okay, before I tell you to go kill yourself, I'll consider that this is what we've been told for so long and in the court of law this is correct. But this is the court of the public opinion, and it is the exact opposite. In the media's eyes, you are guilty until proven innocent! And if this weren't the case, then why would we have indicted Chris Brown before we ever had the chance to hear his side of the story? (Well some of you Chris Brown fans believe that Rihanna must have done something for that to happen to her) Why were pictures released? Why have different media outlets released their own version of what happened? I guess, because if someone throws out an allegation about you, it must be true.

Still not a believer? I gave you two examples of how our media is able to control our emotions and one example of how they can persuade our opinion. Still aren't sold? Then nothing I can write will sway your opinion. So we can just agree to disagree. Which ever way you feel, "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time"

Why I Blog

I promise that I will make this quick. So, the title of this post is self explanatory. Every since November when I decided I was going to stop talking about writing, and I actually signed on blogger, I have heard all type of feedback about my writing a blog. It's been mostly positive and for that I'm glad, but I have heard a number of negative comments. Now I'm not really a person who is sensitive to the criticisms that I receive, cause hell if they can nail Jesus to a physical cross, what makes me think that I can't get nailed to a proverbial one? But I've noticed that most of my negative comments come from men. Why is that? I guess I can understand a little bit because guys expressing how they feel on certain matters is looked upon as "gay" or not masculine. But I would really like to know the answer to this question, so if you're not too busy, please leave me a comment on the matter. I know that guys who make these negative comments don't read this blogs, so if you could do me a favor and be reporters for this post it will be greatly appreciated. Please comment on your findings.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friends, How Many of Us Have Them? Part Deux

First, I would just like to thank the 7 people who were able to give their feedback to help me with the construction of this post. I know that you all have busy lives, and reading a post takes time out of your day that can be put towards something more important. And to respond takes even more of your precious time. For this I am appreciative. For those of you who were not able to respond, I understand that you might not have had the time. It's cool, I won't take it personal. But I would like you to do me a favor. Please go kill yourself! (If you need instructions on the quickest way possible, please refer to my "Pimp Juice" post). Naw I'm just joking. Don't be so sensitive lol. Okay, let me stop playing around and continue "My Thoughts".

I have read all of your definitions of what a "true" friend is, and it is exactly what I figured. Although you all were pretty much saying the same thing, your differences were what made the wording and interpretation different. There were a few reasons I decided to right about this topic. But one story in particular motivated me enough to have my fingers pounding the keyboard right now.

Now everyone who knows me knows that I have alot of friends. I've always been a friendly person and I guess it's just in my lineage. Now that's not to say i'm the perfect friend. Nor would I say that everyone considers me a true friend. But I was s little shocked to hear a story that was told to me by one of my co-workers a few weeks ago. So apparently my co-worker, who i'm calling Sheila to protect her anonymity, has a friend that she calls "best". This best friend was dating a guy who she decided to engage in consentual sexual intercourse with (before I continue, please repeat that last line). Then, of course, she gets pregnant. Now this best friend is over joyed and decides to share the news with all of her friends and of course her male suitor. Needless to say he isn't too thrilled. So he shows his enthusiam by telling her that he's getting back with his ex-girlfriend and that she needs to get an abortion. Obviously the distraught best friend lets everyone that she knows what happened. And even though she was given advice by Sheila and other friends to keep the baby as a lesson to the guy, she decides to get the abortion anyway (that is a whole 'nother subject that I will have to discuss later). So fast forward to 3 weeks ago. The best friend calls up Sheila explaining how the guy is talking to her about hanging out. Now even though the best friend was done wrong by the guy, she still feels some attraction to him so she is contemplating it. She ask Sheila what does she think and her response is, "I don't know". Now I know what most of you would have said, "What the hell are you thinking!" (especially you Candy, lol) But Sheila didn't give that reaction. So I asked Sheila why wouldn't you tell her how you felt? Her reply was, "Cause that's not what she wanted to hear". I was taken aback by this statement because I had never heard anyone say something like that about their best friend. So I asked her did she really consider her a "true" friend, and she said yes. So I asked her what her definition of a "true" friend is and she said some times you just have to tell your friends what they want to hear.

After our argument about the subject, I really began to think about what my definition of a true friend is. And to save all of us some time, I will say that it was along the lines of what you all wrote. The one thing thing that I will say that I came up with is: There is a big difference between what you want to hear and what you need to hear. Delivery makes all the difference in the world, but if you are a true friend, then you should know the person enough to know what type of delivery they respond to and what will make them not want to confide in you. For it is not in the moments where smiles occur that defines us as true friends, it is those moments where tears are shed that links us together (i promise that i just made that up...sounds like a philosopher huh? "yeah, yeah I'll philosphi on top of ya" lol im sorry I know that was random but listen to track 5 on Common's album in order to get it)

I want to take this time to apologize to those who I consider, or who consider me a true friend(namely Meka, Greg, and Doo Doo). I've definitely been slacking lately which is why I hope you all can forgive me. I wrote this post to tell a story about someone else, but it ended up revealing some stuff within myself that I must work on. Now you all have opinions on the matter, and I hope you will express them, but "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling at the Time"

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friends, How Many Of Us Have Them?

Before I even attempt to get this post off and running, I just want to say I am sooooo sorry for my long absence. I can't even believe it's been over a month since my last post! Well between working (jobs 1-3) and trying to become a better teacher, I haven't even had the time to sit down and think of a topic. But fresh off the dome I have something I think you all can connect with. Now let me get on with "My Thoughts".

How many of you would say that you have true friends? All of you? Is that right? Okay. Well before you even decided to walk right into that trap, you should've asked yourself: What the hell is Jarrett talking about? This is what I mean. You really can't even answer that question without a clear cut definition of the word friend. Right now before I finish this post, I want everyone who reads my stuff to leave me a comment giving me YOUR definition of a true friend. (No this isn't a cheap way of getting everyone to leave me a comment like I've been begging for, forever...Well maybe it is lol) I really want to see what everyone has to say before I continue with "My Thoughts" REMEMBER! THIS POST IS INTERACTIVE. I NEED YOUR COMMENTS TO FINISH MY POST SO GET TO WRITING!