Thursday, December 18, 2008

If The Shoe Was On The Other Foot...

Let me start this post off by saying I am so sorry for the delay between posts. I have been teaching at a new school for the last couple of weeks and these kids wear me out so much, that I don't feel much like writing when I get home. Add that to the fact that when I do feel like writing I have the biggest writing block and we have month long (well almost month long) hiatus on our hands. It's fine becasue I've had a few conversations in the last couple of weeks that have helped me get back on track. Shot out to all of you who helped me get back on track with this post. Now enough patting yourselves on the back, let me get on with "My Thoughts".

How many times have you heard the saying, "a good man is hard to find"? Well I hear that all too often. The reason, there are so many more women in this country then there are men. Now when you subtract the men that are gay, in jail, married, in relationships, or just really don't have anything going for themselves that ocean of men turns into a puddle. So in essence, a good man isn't hard to find, he's damn near impossible.

But ladies, what constitutes a good man? Is it a man that has a good job? A man that doesn't have kids? Or if he does have kids, he takes real good care of them? A man with no drama from his childs mother? A man with ambition? Goals? Well ladies, there are plenty of these men out here. But there is one problem, you are all after him. Yes, the good man that you wish for has so many women chasing him that he has become a tad bit arrogant. So he feels like, why date one woman when I can date a few and test the waters? And honestly can you blame this ideology?

This lead me to ask the question, what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot? Would women take advantage of the fact that there were so few of them and they had an abundance of men to choose from? Or would women choose to find one man and stick to him? Before I reveal what I think, I would like to have everyone comment and tell me how they feel. However I feel "It's Just My Thoughts, Just What I Was Feeling At The Time".